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[Xbox 360] -UPDATE- PES 2013 option file: Daymos OPE: V2/V1.5/V1 + TUTORIAL PL

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Daymos OPE: V2/V1.5
In order to get these option files working, you must have an unmodded Xbox 360 with a hard-drive size of at least 20GB. Anything smaller and the option file will not function properly - for example, most kits will be missing.

Daymos OPE V2 - offline version
V2 is the more complete file - Bundesliga and npower Championship both included. However, the problem is that you will not be able to use Data Pack 1 with this file because your game will freeze/crash. Simply put, if you want to download the V2 file, do not download DP1.


The Daymos OPE V2 file includes:

English Premier League, English npower Championship, German Bundesliga, Portuguese Liga Zon Sagres and international teams are now licensed.

Premier League squads are 95% correct. Last few transfers and other squads for all other leagues will be corrected when Data Pack 2 is released next week.

Daymos OPE V1.5 - online version
V1.5 is still missing the German Bundesliga and npower Championship. However, this file will work with Data Pack 1. We have tested this file thoroughly and we have found that V1.5 does not cause the game to crash.



The Daymos OPE V1.5 file includes:

English Premier League, Portuguese Liga Zon Sagres and national teams are now licensed.

However, the English npower Championship and German Bundesliga are still missing because these leagues cause the game to crash if DP1 is installed. V2 has more leagues, so only download this file if you really want Data Pack 1 on your console.

For both files, please note that some squads and transfers are incorrect. This issue will be corrected as soon as Konami release Data Pack 2 on October 11th. When DP2 comes out next Thursday, we will fix the squads and release V3.

Sticking with V3, we are planning to include more leagues so you guys can have more options to choose from. For example, we are preparing to fix the npower Championship and Bundesliga so they can be used by everyone. We are also planning to add the Scottish Premier League, the MLS and the two second divisions of both Spain and Germany - we may add more leagues, but only if a) the demand is there, and b) we have enough time!

As usual, please leave your feedback in the threads (both links are posted above) and leave your comments and suggestions. Remember, the more feedback we receive, the more accurate our future updates will be.


Starsza wersja:

--- Cytuj ---Here is our first Xbox 360 option file for Pro Evolution Soccer 2013.

The file includes:

    * Licensed kits and emblems for all 20 Premier League sides. League logo is also licensed.

    * Detailed formations and tactics for all Premier League sides. Set Piece Settings have been updated to increase authenticity. Defenders will come up for corners now: Vermaelen and Mertesacker at Arsenal for example.

    * 95% of Premier League squads are correct. Some players are missing, however, these issues will be fixed next month once Konami release Data Pack 2.

    * Licensed kits for all 16 Liga Zon Sagres sides.

    * The Bundesliga and npower Championship have not been completed. We will fix these issues  and release a fix file as soon as we can.

    * New players have been added to add even more realism: Nico Yennaris at Arsenal, Richard Wright at Manchester City and Nick Powell at Manchester United for example.




--- Koniec cytatu ---
TUT by labamba63
Jak zainstalować?
Będziesz potrzebował: pendrive minimum 2gb, OF Daymos OPE V1, troche wolnego czasu

Krok 1.
Włóż pendrive do konsoli i wejdź w:
Ustawienia > System > Pamięć masowa > Nieznane urządzenie > (kliknij A i wybierz dostosuj [WAŻNE: nie formatuj, dostosuj])>wybierz 512mb i zatwierdź

Krok 2.
Włóż pendrive do pc
i wypakuj wczesniej pobranego OF'a na pulpit

Krok 3.
Otworz pendrive'a powinienes zobaczyc folder Xbox360, jeśli tak nie jest w ustawieniach systemu zmien tak aby pokazywal ukryte pliki (na win7 to: dowolny folder zakladka Organizuj>Opcje folderow i wyszukiwania>Widok>Pokaz ukryte foldery,pliki i dyski)
Jeśli widzisz już folder Xbox360 przejdz dalej

Krok 4.
Kliknij dwukrotnie na folder Xbox360 powinienes zobaczyc 3 pliki: Data0000, Data0001, Data0002

Krok 5.
Z wypakowanego archiwum na pulpicie skopiuj Data0001 i Data0002 na Pendrive>Xbox360
Jesli system zapyta czy podmienić pliki kliknij tak

Krok 6.
Wyjmij pendriva z pc i wloz go do konsoli

Krok 7.
Wejdź w Ustawienia>System>Pamięć masowa
powinieneś zobaczyć urządzenie pod nazwą: "DAYMOS OPE PES2013 OF v1"

Krok 8.
Otwórz DAYMOS OPE PES2013 OF v1>Gry i aplikacje>PES2013/WE2013 (jeśli widzisz ten plik to jest ok),
kliknij na padzie A i zobacz czy masz +-400plików jeśli tak to wroc przyciskiem B

Krok 9.
Nacisnij na padzie Y i wybierz Skopiuj>wybierz pamieć konsoli (w przypadku xbox w wer. z dyskiem np. slim 320gb>dysk)

Krok 10.
Poczekaj kilka minut, aż pliki się skopiują

Krok 11.
Gotowe, teraz możesz uruchomić swojego Pes'a 2013 i cieszyc się aktualnymi składami oraz nowymi strojami

Screeny z gry:

Tutorial jest napisany prze ze mnie i proszę o nie kopiowanie go na inne fora bez mojej zgody.

Super, dzieki za tutorial.

A u mnie jest strój BVB

Ten patch jest zły, zacina mi konsolę jak chcę zmianę zrobić albo przy wyborze drużyn czasem. Przynajmniej jak wybieram PSG. Ktoś tak ma też?

U mnie działa jak należy screeny jakoś musiałem zrobić. Możliwe, że nie skopiował ci się do końca na konsolę...


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