Modyfikacje i Dodatki do Pro Evolution Soccer > Narzędzia

★ PES 2013 – Team Data Transfer 1.1 ★ by MxSoNiC



Tool for PES 2013 - Team Data Transfers.

supported platforms:
1. PC only

features Settings:
1. remove Player from Team Data File
2. override Player to Team Data File
3. add Player to Team Data File
4. search by Player ID´s
5. edit Team LineUp
6. edit Player Formation
7. edit Tactics 1 - 4
8. edit Roles/Executors

1. installed .NET Framework (at least version 4.0)

how to use:
1. open EDIT.bin
2. open Team Data File ( TM_DATA...)
3. do your Transfers and edit Formation and LineUp
4. save File



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