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Champions League 100%Europa League 80%BUNDESLIGA 100%LIGA MX And J LEAGUE 90% (Fatam some kits)Other leagues 100%Transfrencias January 70%Players removed FakeNew players createdfixed coaches for all teamsAll Leagues and licensed CompetitionsAll teams with name and emblemReferees KitsNew Faces (More than 900)New Goalkeeper Gloves (100)New Balls (all competitions)new BootsbadgesIn Selector:LiveUpade TugaVico (NEW) BETAPitch TugaVicio HD (NEW)Ultra HD Graphic PatchscoreboardsScoreboards + Replaydisable ReplayStart ScreenManagerrefereeAdd New ContentPACK stadiums (Install from selector before activating) (NEW)PACK adboards (Install from selector before activating) (NEW)TURFMOD (Install from selector before activating) (NEW)CHANTS PACK (Install from selector before activating) (NEW)For Online Mode:licensed teams (not contain the Bundesliga)kitsbadgespitchadboards100% compatible with the online mode, which is licensed also be in online mode.