There are lots of empty slots in the kits segment of PES2008 date file cv_0.img. These are currently filled with last year chelsea kits and are unused. We can use a edited file (unnamed_27/param_dat) to link unlicensed teams with these unused slots. In game all these teams would now play in old chelsea kits. Now we insert the correct kits over these unused slots and bingo the unlicensed team have correct kits. Therefore I've included the relinked unnamed_27 file and the kit/font/number .bins to insert over these unused slots. IMPORTANT NOTE:
-May not work ONLINE because it will change the size of the cv_0 file (though people have now said it works for them online).
-You will have to initially delete the EDIT01 part of your optionfile meaning you will lose any transfers, formations, renames etc.
You CAN keep your ML progress and restart editing the transfers/names/etc after installing however.
Annoying but very soon relinked edited OF will be made on this forum which should be compatible with these kit locations.
You will need to do some AFS Explorer importing.
Make sure you backup your cv_1.img and cv_0.img first.
A -Relink File
1) Open up AFS Explorer
2) >file >import AFS file
3) Select cv_1.img in your programfiles/konami/pes2008/img folder
4) After the file has opened scroll down till you fined a file called unnamed_27.bin. Right click on it
5) Select import file
6) Select the unnamed_27.bin provided with this download and click ok
7) Once it has imported close AFS Explorer
B -Kits/Numbers/Fonts
1) Open cv_0.img in AFS Explorer
2) >Action >Import Folder (select the cv_0 folder included)
3) One or more files need more space than they have reserved. You need to rebuild the AFS file to insert them. Do you want to rebuild the AFS file >Click Yes
4) Change Save as type from AFS file to all files Choose new name eg 'cv_0new.img'
5) Wait for it to rebuild
6) AFS regenerated successfully! Now files will be updated >click OK
7) Importing files box appears, followed by confirmation of importing completion.

Do you wish to open the new file? (or similar message) >Click Yes
9) Wait for it to load then close AFS Explorer.
10) Go to you Konami/pes2008/img folder and move your original cv_0.img somewhere safe.
11) Rename your cv_0new.img to cv_0.img
C -Remove previous OF
1) Remove you EDIT01 option file from your mydocuments/konami/pes2008/save folder (move it somewhere safe -this contains your previous in-game editing)