Ok people, for all of you asking
1) The patch WAS going to release today, but due to the problems with all the bandwidth costs, Ariel and I are currently working with the website.
So, we're redesigning our entire website and that takes time
2) The patch will be released in a BETA version, soon, when, I don't know, but for sure next week
3) After the beta version is ready, we will release the full version.
The full version will include
a) no kit server version - really big file
b) small, update version - for people with GA patch 3.5
c) full version
This will be the last version of the GA Community Patch. But, if our users and our community really starts to collaborate, who knows.
Ariel and Xavier are currently building an Amazon store. It's sad, it's pretty sad, but hey, we're webmasters and we need to work, as everybody else in this planet. So if the community isn't responding, then, all we can do is use our time to do something that is productive.
That is why it is so important for the community to unite! To fight for one main cause.
Now, we will not close the site again, but hey, to be honest, GamingAccess Community Patch 4.0, 5.0? It depends on the community, I am being 100% honest here
so, with that said, time will be limited, so, I don't want to complain, just tell our visitors what's going on with GamingAccess, Ariel, Xavier, the patch, the community, the bandwidth...