Mógł by mi ktoś podać tytuły muzyki ?? byłbym bardzo wdzięczny bo sie strzasznie podba a szukam i nie moge znales
cos slabo szukasz
32,"Katy Perry","Hot n Cold"
33,"Rhanna ","Disturbia"
34,"Blog 27","Cute"
35,"H2O & Platnum" ,"What's it gonna be"
91,"Blue is the color","Hymn Chelsea"
97,"Shaggy ft Akon","What's love"
98,"Trzy czwarte sukcesu","Wloclawski Bohater"
100,"Pussycat Dolls "," I hate this part"
101,"50 Cent","In da Club"
104,"K.Maro","Femme like you"
106,"Matze Knop","Numero Uno"
109,"Liber","Remes Cup"
115,"M.I.A","Paper Planes
118,"Rihanna feat Justin Timberlake","Rehab"
121,"Grupa Operacyjna","Mieszko"
122,"Fort Minor","Renember the Name"
123,"Linkin Park&jay"," z- numb- encore"
137,"Liber","Czysta Gra"
138,"Mezo","Z podworka na stadion"