-with regards to 10.1 release, i might actually release just the LOD mixer, since it is almost ready, and i have only the very beginnings of faceserver with a lot of work still to do. So perhaps faceserver is 10.2, and LOD mixer will be the only thing in 10.1
what can you make with faceserver ?
*Every player in game can have a special face without relinking,just like GBD for kits.
Taken from kitserver 6 manual.
Faceserver is similar to Kitserver , making it possible to load as much extra faces and extra hair from the GDB as you want.
O w mordę!!!
Nic tylko czekać...
A dla tych co nie kumają:Juce planuje wydać FACESERVER,czyli to samo co KITSERVERr,z tym,że tak jak w KS mamy GDB i możemy dodawać stroje,tak w FS,będzie można dodawać niezliczoną ilość twarzy...
No i niedługo wyjdzie LOD mixer!