TWOJA LIGA Pro Evolution Soccer

Modyfikacje i Dodatki do Pro Evolution Soccer => PES 2011 => Starsze PESy - Dodatki => Muzyka => Wątek zaczęty przez: Radeqq81 w Maj 11, 2011, 12:08:50

Tytuł: Entrance Music Chelsea by SECUN1972
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Radeqq81 w Maj 11, 2011, 12:08:50
Myślę, iz w dzisiejszych czasach nie potrzeba tłumaczyć :P

This patch changes the Music of stadiums, and play at home or away and only sound for modes: Friendly, League and Masters League. Champions mode and no other sound. Compatible with any patches you have installed (Goal Patch, Pesedit etc …)
2 different entrance music that randomly chooses the game.
The perfect sound.



First of all, head to your kitserver, looking inside the folder dt01.img files (the unnamed_49.bin to unnamed_55, bin) and remove them from there (if you have them) and guards you into another place to avoid losing them. (for if you want them back) Now copy what is inside the folder dt01.img discharge and paste it into the folder of your kitserver dt01.img. You are ready, open the game and enjoy.