Ktoś byłby zainteresowany takim soundtrackiem? Jak zbierzemy chociaż 15 osób to zauploaduje.
11, "Linkin Park", "Blackout"
12, "Limp Bizkit", "Shotgun"
14, "Linkin Park", "Papercut"
15, "Linkin Park", "One Step Closer"
16, "Hurts", "Silver Lining"
17, "Hurts", "Wonderful Life"
18, "StarGuardMuffin", "I"
19, "StarGuardMuffin", "Sometimes"
20, "StarGuardMuffin", "Dokąd zmierza ten świat"
21, "Linkin Park", "Given Up"
22, "zwieR.Z.", "Wretches and Kings"
23, "Linkin Park", "Burning in the Skies"
24, "Linkin Park", "Points of Authority"
25, "Eminem", "Going Throught Changes"
26, "Eminem", "Not Afraid"
27, "Eminem & Rihanna", "Love the Way You Lie"
28, "Linkin Park", "Bleed it Out"
29, "Linkin Park", "Crawling"
30, "Adema", "The Way You Like It"
31, "Linkin Park", "What I've Done"
32, "Linkin Park", "In the End"
33, "Linkin Park", "Waiting for the End"
34, "Chester Bennington", "Hardly Breathe"
35, "Linkin Park", "A Place for My Head"
36, "Linkin Park", "Wretches and Kings"
37, "Linkin Park", "Iridescent"
38, "Dead by Sunrise", "Morning After"
39, "Dead by Sunrise", "Crawl Back In"
40, "Fort Minor", "Remember the Name (feat. Styles of Beyond"
41, "Fort Minor", "Where'd You Go (feat. Holly Brook and Jonh Martanga)"
42, "Hurts", "Stay"
43, "zwieR.Z.", "Turn Your Back"
44, "Linkin Park", "No Roads Left"
45, "Linkin Park", "The Catalyst"
46, "Linkin Park", "The Messenger"
47, "Linkin Park", "Kyur th Ich"
48, "Jay-z and Linkin Park", "Dirt off your Shoulder/Lying from You"
49, "zwieR.Z.", "Bring it Back"
50, "zwieR.Z.", "I'm not Prepared"
56, "Jay-z and Linkin Park", "Numb/Encore"
57, "Linkin Park", "New Divide"
58, "Linkin Park", "Blackbirds"
59, "Linkin Park", "Not Alone"
Najwięcej jest tu muzyki LP i pochodnej, ale znajdziemy tu też StarGuardMuffin, Hurts czy Limp Bizkit.

Generalnie robiłem ten soundtrack dla siebie, ale jak 15 osób się znajdzie chętnych to mogę załadować na jakiś serwer.