0 użytkowników i 4 Gości przegląda ten wątek.
Version 4.5.4 (23.11.11)- Unlocked function aimed to generate config for Kitserver's GDBVersion 4.5.3 (14.11.11):- Fixed saving changes to dt0fVersion 4.5.2 (11.11.11):- Added supporter colors editing feature- Added ability to relink faces to dt0f slots (info about face slots in dt0f was given by Pat [PESEdit])- Other small fixes in kit copy/pasteVersion 4.5.1 (28.10.11):- Added support of editing dt0f.img- Added button which restores default teams order in leagues (may help if you can't see the changes in leagues squad made in un_33)- Other small fixes aimed to fix localization bugs.Version 4.5.0 (23.10.11):- Fixed kits info copy/paste- Team binary import/export (when editing EDIT.bin only)- Other small fixesVersion 4.2.7 (22.10.11):- Automatically encrypts and decrypts EDIT.bin- Added registered position import/export from/to csv- Fixed toolbar buttons labels- Fixed swap with a player from the Free AgentsVersion 4.2.5 (20.10.11):- Allows to edit EDIT.binVersion 4.2.0 (05.10.11):- Fixed Arabic language support- Now it should allow to edit added teams (up to 500)Version 4.1.9 (29.09.11):- Added leagues editor- Now you can add new leagues (for Jenkey)- Fixed csv positions import/export- Fixed error when you open folder (appeared int 4.1.8 RC)Version 4.1.7* (28.09.11):- Fixed toolbar buttons tool-tips text.Version 4.1.7 (27.09.11):- Now you're able to load folder dt04.img from the kitserver instead of opening dt04.img file.- Fixed Faces and Hair associations list.- Fixed positions icons on the transfers tab.Version 4.1.6 (26.09.11):- Allowed to relink to the dt0f.img kit slots (thanks to Pat (PESEDIT) for info about the allowed slots)Version 4.1.5 (18.09.11):- Fixed csv import/export- From now a team id is shown in hexVersion 4.1.3 (15.09.11):- Small fix of leagues structureVersion 4.1.2 (14.09.11):- Added support of PES 2012 DEMO 2Version 4.1.0 (25.08.11):- Fixed copy and paste functions for kits setting and parameters of the players- Now you can relink face to "no"- Now it is allowed to change positions of field players on the team lineups- Fixed labels on the teams kits tab- Fixed some skills names- Now you can edit kits of all teamsVersion 4.0.5 (25.08.11):- Fixed display of teams in which the player is involved- Fixed relink of faces and hairs- Fixed a bug displaying positions of players on the team lineups list- Now you can relink kitsVersion 4.0.0 (24.08.11):- First release- Note that so far you can't relink kits but you're able to relink faces.
Bawiłem się tym programem, ale na wersji PES'a z patchem nie mogłem zapisać zmian (zmiana nazwy drużyn).W tym programie jest opcja "Add League", to znaczy, że można dodać więcej lig do PES'a?Dodawałem ligi, ale w grze ich nie znalazłem.
musisz sciagnac net frameworka 3.5 masz nawet o tym w komunikacie...kazdy framework dziala oddzielnie nie wystarczy miec najnowszej wersji
Abi jak już coś wstawiasz to nie wypakowane i kompletne... Poprawiona wersja ---> 1 post