Autor Wątek: PES 2011 Online Editor v1.1 by MxSoniC  (Przeczytany 2366 razy)

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PES 2011 Online Editor v1.1 by MxSoniC
« dnia: Listopad 13, 2010, 13:13:36 »
1. change Full Name of Teams for all Languages online and Offline
2. change Short Name of Teams for all Laguages online and offline
3. change Radar Color away and Home online and offline
4. relink Kits for Online Mode
5. relink Chants for Online Mode
6. import OF 2 and import Team Names for online and offline
7. export Team List


1. open PES 2011 OF
2. select funktion form the Legend on the right side
( unnamed_32 and 34.bin -> before Konami update 1.00 )
( unnamed_1825 and 1827.bin -> after Konami update 1.00 )
3. make your changes
4. press the button after each change to accept
5. save the changes ( OF or Database )
6. have fun


TWOJA LIGA Pro Evolution Soccer

PES 2011 Online Editor v1.1 by MxSoniC
« dnia: Listopad 13, 2010, 13:13:36 »