Autor Wątek: PES 2015 - Newsy, Dyskusje, Opinie  (Przeczytany 513209 razy)

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Offline pejejek94

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #260 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 17:17:32 »
Cieszyłbym się, gdyby urozmaicili cieszynki. O co chodzi? A o to by po strzelonej bramce wszyscy wpadli w szał i biegli w stronę strzelca a nie, że każdy w inną stronę i jak gdyby miał w dupie, że  piłka jest w siatce rywala. Na pewno nadałoby to realizmu i atmosfery. Druga sprawa to naciąg siatki... W PES 2013 fajnie to wygląda, za to w 2014 piłka dziwnie się odbija od siatki i wypada z bramki. Co to beton czy siatka? Wiem, wiem, drobne szczegóły, ale dodają smaczku :D

Offline Fabek9

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #261 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 17:22:57 »
swoją drogą chciałbym przywrócenia 'szybkiej zmiany' w menu pauzy albo dania jej nawet pod przycisk "Select" na przykład :)

Też jestem za tym. Trzeba spamować do konami to może wprowadzą. Nie chce mi się za każdym razem wchodzić w gameplan...

Offline Florq

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  • Gary Neville is a red, he hates scousers...
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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #262 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 17:50:57 »
Nowe informacje nt. PES 2015 (via PESEditBlog) oraz screeny

Spoiler for Hiden:
Carrick i Dante w walce o piłkę

Wayne Rooney

Jakiś Murzyn (znaczy, Patrice Evra)

Michael Carrick

Shinji Kagawa

Teatr Marzeń

"The Pitch is Ours…"
PES 2015 is centered on the mantra ‘the pitch is ours.’ Through the combined efforts of the Tokyo and Windsor-based PES Productions team, the heart-thumping and nail-biting moments of top-flight football have been perfectly recreated. PES 2015 sees a true return to core PES values of total control, super responsive controls and renowned gameplay, where the user has unrestricted control over how they play. KONAMI has completely reworked a raft of key elements to ensure every pass, shot or off-the-ball run is finely balanced to give maximum player satisfaction within PES 2015’s on-field action.

By looking at 3 key tenets of the modern game, the PES Productions Team has completely reworked the in-game shooting and goal-keeping mechanics

Excitement Of Goals:
A new shooting system allows a variety of unrestricted shooting styles with precise control over the direction and power of all strikes. Countering enhanced attacking options, goal keepers intuitively close angles and are capable of an incredible number of ways to react to any situation, including altering centre of gravity.

Final Pass:
Likewise, passing options available to players when delivering a final pass have been expanded, allowing for little knock-ons or searing low passes that use new physics routines to ensure the ball behaves realistically across every situation, providing unique and differing outcomes decided by user actions.

1 on 1:
The final key element that has been totally reworked centres around the degree of close control on offer. Positioning is vital, but the ability to dribble into space and beat your marker is now hugely improved and opens up PES 2015 as the definitive on-field experience.

These central features are then supported by additional elements to create the most entertaining and breath-taking match-day experience imaginable.

Incredible Response Times: Lightning fast controls allow users to instinctively react to every movement when the ball is in play.

Full Pitch AI: The game engine now features AI that is constantly adjusted covering everything that develops on the pitch, resulting in players making runs, finding space and marking opponents even when off the screen.

Closest Control: Take on defenders using each player’s bespoke dribbling skills, as opposed to relying on ‘trick’ moves. New skills include jinking runs, responsive sprints and incorporating a much wider range of pace – from walking to sprinting.

Case for Defence: Users have complete control over when to close down, tackle, or hold up play. Successful defending is based entirely on the decisions the user makes.

Fox Engine Benefits
Next-gen editions of PES 2015 also mark the first full implementation of Kojima Productions’ stunning FOX Engine within the PES franchise. Having debuted last year in an embryonic form, the power of the new wave of consoles has allowed a level of visual acuity and in-game advances that were previously impossible. All graphical features in-game from players, to crowd and stadium now benefit from a single source of real-time lighting naturally bringing the game to vivid next gen life.

Behavioural Patterns: PES 2015 now boasts a huge array of players that both look and play like their real-life counterparts. KONAMI has faithfully recreated over 1000 players this year, with bespoke animations and playing styles across its extensive player roster. They run like they should, play the way they do in real life, and react emotionally as they would to fouls, goals or referee decisions – with their frame of mind actually affecting how they play!

Poetry in Motion: The individuality of the players is further enhanced with seamless animations. No sacrifice to animation has been made in the pursuit of fast response, yet the movements flow effortlessly calculated in real-time and dependent on the player’s position in relation to the ball and its speed.

Bring the Noise: PES 2015 mirrors the atmosphere of a top-flight match. The crowd animations have been hugely enhanced, and the ebb and flow of a match is met with context-sensitive crowd effects and movements.

Let There Be Light: Real-time lighting is used across the entire stadium, with the enhanced visuals bathed in the changing light of a changeable day or the stark glare of the floodlights at a night match

The PES series has always centered on player realism: recreating their abilities and letting the user run riot with the world’s greatest stars. The FOX Engine-powered PES 2015 is as committed to this as ever, aiming to bring the best players and teams to vibrant life – recreating the playing styles of the world’s best sides and stars.

PES ID: Teams will be set up to play as they do in real-life, while their star players will work within this framework, but will be instantly recognisable via their runs and playing styles. The world’s greatest teams will not only move and find space like they would in real life, they will also defend or attack like them automatically.

Balance of Play: Teams will automatically adopt their real-life counterparts’ game plan, whether it is counter-attacking, out wide, or defensively minded.

Realistic Abilities: While the world’s greatest players are indeed capable of moments of incredible skill, PES 2015 focuses on their abilities as a player and not their flicks and tricks. Beating a man using pace and close control is key to attacking play, and only those that can will get away with rainbow flicks. And, even then, not every time…

With these key advances in place, however, KONAMI has not neglected the wide range of options users expect. With a wealth of new options and enhancements to established favourites set to debut in PES 2015.

Key Additions
myClub: Extensive Master League Online overhaul allows players and managers to be added using accumulated GP or via micro-transactions within club dealings. Agents now used to meet player requirement criteria, while unhappy players can upset the balance of a side to detrimental effect. Extends to offline play.

Live Updates: Weekly data updates constantly adjust transfers and team line-ups in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Brazilian leagues. Player data is also updated based on current performances every week, so if a player is on a goal-scoring streak, his stats will be boosted accordingly in the update. Applied to all online modes and optional within single-player mode.

Accurate Player Stats: The player parameter system for PES has been completely rebuilt, working with key community sites across the globe to create the most realistic player stats database.

Adaptable Match Environments: Does your opponent prefer to play a passing game? Then tell the groundsman not to cut the grass so short. Or have it watered to speed up your team’s passing play. You can tailor any part of your stadia to suit your bespoke needs.

Może potem to przetłumaczę :v

Offline hose444

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #263 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 18:11:37 »
Przeglądam dyskusję i jak zawsze jedni, że PES będzie dobry, drugi, że zły. Ja jestem ten drugi. Ale cieszy mnie, że takie sprzeczki są... bo jest ciekawie i to dowód, że ktoś się tą serią jeszcze interesuję. Więc "jeszcze PES nie zginął póki my żyjemy" :D
Co jak co, ale twarze to im genialnie zawsze wychodzą. FIFKA od lat się pod tym względem może schować.
" border="0

"Opowieść trwa, historia nie kończy się nigdy."

Offline Florq

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  • Gary Neville is a red, he hates scousers...
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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #264 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 18:33:23 »
Co jak co, ale twarze to im genialnie zawsze wychodzą. FIFKA od lat się pod tym względem może schować.

Wiele twarzy w FIFA 14 to majstersztyk, choćby te skanowane 3d. Ale reszta facjat wygląda przeciętnie. Podziwiam KONAMI że potrafi stworzyć takie cudeńka mimo mniejszego budżetu i z pewnością możliwości.

Offline kamilradom1910

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #265 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 19:18:13 »
Piękny skład Juventusu Llorent, Buffonci. Chyba licencje których i tak było mało poszły w pi......du.

Offline gredo

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #266 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 19:40:47 »
No to troszkę obiektywizmu:AsimTanvir:-Player reactions still not up to scratch, just as I mentioned in my E3 impressions. Need work. #PES2015-Some great animations, some good, but transition/stitching from one to another on most is quite bad. Frustrating. #PES2015-Keepers, still dodgy as hell. Need work. De Gea palmed a random, harmless long ball in my first match, lol. #PES2015-Passing still needs work, ball physics okay, but need to be less predictable and generally more realistic. Dep on touch, pitch etc. #PES2015źródło: TwitterBramkarze, reakcje + przeskakiwanie animacji do poprawy...

Jak tego nie poprawią, a na przykładach wcześniejszych Pesów mam uzasadnione podejrzenie, że tego nie poprawią to już wiem i jestem przekonany na 99%, że to spartolą, animacje będą się "łamać" bramkarze będą pluć, timingi będą skopane i te ich zapowiedzi i dawkowanie informacji jest żałosne, ale poczekam na demo i ocenie, ale nie nastawiam się na Pesa w tym roku chyba, że mnie kitańce pozytywnie zaskoczą, lepiej być mile zaskoczonym niż się napalać i się zawieść, jak to było przez ostatnich parę lat, na razie leje na to wszystko ciepłym moczem i czekam na demko na PC, a odnośnie Pes 2015 na PC pojawi się później niż na konsole ale to już było wiadomo od dawna.

« Ostatnia zmiana: Lipiec 03, 2014, 19:42:58 wysłana przez gredo »

Offline Letischoo

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #267 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 19:45:15 »
Nowe informacje nt. PES 2015 (via PESEditBlog) oraz screeny
Spoiler for Hiden:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Carrick i Dante w walce o piłkę

Wayne Rooney

Jakiś Murzyn (znaczy, Patrice Evra)

Michael Carrick

Shinji Kagawa

Teatr Marzeń

"The Pitch is Ours…"
PES 2015 is centered on the mantra ‘the pitch is ours.’ Through the combined efforts of the Tokyo and Windsor-based PES Productions team, the heart-thumping and nail-biting moments of top-flight football have been perfectly recreated. PES 2015 sees a true return to core PES values of total control, super responsive controls and renowned gameplay, where the user has unrestricted control over how they play. KONAMI has completely reworked a raft of key elements to ensure every pass, shot or off-the-ball run is finely balanced to give maximum player satisfaction within PES 2015’s on-field action.

By looking at 3 key tenets of the modern game, the PES Productions Team has completely reworked the in-game shooting and goal-keeping mechanics

Excitement Of Goals:
A new shooting system allows a variety of unrestricted shooting styles with precise control over the direction and power of all strikes. Countering enhanced attacking options, goal keepers intuitively close angles and are capable of an incredible number of ways to react to any situation, including altering centre of gravity.

Final Pass:
Likewise, passing options available to players when delivering a final pass have been expanded, allowing for little knock-ons or searing low passes that use new physics routines to ensure the ball behaves realistically across every situation, providing unique and differing outcomes decided by user actions.

1 on 1:
The final key element that has been totally reworked centres around the degree of close control on offer. Positioning is vital, but the ability to dribble into space and beat your marker is now hugely improved and opens up PES 2015 as the definitive on-field experience.

These central features are then supported by additional elements to create the most entertaining and breath-taking match-day experience imaginable.

Incredible Response Times: Lightning fast controls allow users to instinctively react to every movement when the ball is in play.

Full Pitch AI: The game engine now features AI that is constantly adjusted covering everything that develops on the pitch, resulting in players making runs, finding space and marking opponents even when off the screen.

Closest Control: Take on defenders using each player’s bespoke dribbling skills, as opposed to relying on ‘trick’ moves. New skills include jinking runs, responsive sprints and incorporating a much wider range of pace – from walking to sprinting.

Case for Defence: Users have complete control over when to close down, tackle, or hold up play. Successful defending is based entirely on the decisions the user makes.

Fox Engine Benefits
Next-gen editions of PES 2015 also mark the first full implementation of Kojima Productions’ stunning FOX Engine within the PES franchise. Having debuted last year in an embryonic form, the power of the new wave of consoles has allowed a level of visual acuity and in-game advances that were previously impossible. All graphical features in-game from players, to crowd and stadium now benefit from a single source of real-time lighting naturally bringing the game to vivid next gen life.

Behavioural Patterns: PES 2015 now boasts a huge array of players that both look and play like their real-life counterparts. KONAMI has faithfully recreated over 1000 players this year, with bespoke animations and playing styles across its extensive player roster. They run like they should, play the way they do in real life, and react emotionally as they would to fouls, goals or referee decisions – with their frame of mind actually affecting how they play!

Poetry in Motion: The individuality of the players is further enhanced with seamless animations. No sacrifice to animation has been made in the pursuit of fast response, yet the movements flow effortlessly calculated in real-time and dependent on the player’s position in relation to the ball and its speed.

Bring the Noise: PES 2015 mirrors the atmosphere of a top-flight match. The crowd animations have been hugely enhanced, and the ebb and flow of a match is met with context-sensitive crowd effects and movements.

Let There Be Light: Real-time lighting is used across the entire stadium, with the enhanced visuals bathed in the changing light of a changeable day or the stark glare of the floodlights at a night match

The PES series has always centered on player realism: recreating their abilities and letting the user run riot with the world’s greatest stars. The FOX Engine-powered PES 2015 is as committed to this as ever, aiming to bring the best players and teams to vibrant life – recreating the playing styles of the world’s best sides and stars.

PES ID: Teams will be set up to play as they do in real-life, while their star players will work within this framework, but will be instantly recognisable via their runs and playing styles. The world’s greatest teams will not only move and find space like they would in real life, they will also defend or attack like them automatically.

Balance of Play: Teams will automatically adopt their real-life counterparts’ game plan, whether it is counter-attacking, out wide, or defensively minded.

Realistic Abilities: While the world’s greatest players are indeed capable of moments of incredible skill, PES 2015 focuses on their abilities as a player and not their flicks and tricks. Beating a man using pace and close control is key to attacking play, and only those that can will get away with rainbow flicks. And, even then, not every time…

With these key advances in place, however, KONAMI has not neglected the wide range of options users expect. With a wealth of new options and enhancements to established favourites set to debut in PES 2015.

Key Additions
myClub: Extensive Master League Online overhaul allows players and managers to be added using accumulated GP or via micro-transactions within club dealings. Agents now used to meet player requirement criteria, while unhappy players can upset the balance of a side to detrimental effect. Extends to offline play.

Live Updates: Weekly data updates constantly adjust transfers and team line-ups in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Brazilian leagues. Player data is also updated based on current performances every week, so if a player is on a goal-scoring streak, his stats will be boosted accordingly in the update. Applied to all online modes and optional within single-player mode.

Accurate Player Stats: The player parameter system for PES has been completely rebuilt, working with key community sites across the globe to create the most realistic player stats database.

Adaptable Match Environments: Does your opponent prefer to play a passing game? Then tell the groundsman not to cut the grass so short. Or have it watered to speed up your team’s passing play. You can tailor any part of your stadia to suit your bespoke needs.

Może potem to przetłumaczę :v

Patrz co się dzieje w temacie bo było to wrzucane w wersji angielskiej... tam samo screeny.... i spoiler... dłuższe rzeczy wrzucaj w spoiler - piszę o tekście ;)

JEST! Chwała JA! Wyrzebałem :3 17 sekund akcji z PES 2015 nagrane całkiem niezłą lodówką :)

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Superpuchary krajów w PES 2015?

Spoiler for Hiden:
« Ostatnia zmiana: Lipiec 03, 2014, 20:15:53 wysłana przez Letischoo »
The big part of fifa players are PESfans, don't forget it.

Offline pejejek94

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #268 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 20:15:46 »
Piękny skład Juventusu Llorent, Buffonci. Chyba licencje których i tak było mało poszły w pi......du.
Nie bardzo rozumiem o czym piszesz, ale na screenie z Game Planem jest poprawna nazwa zawodników :)

Offline Letischoo

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #269 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 20:19:44 »
Piękny skład Juventusu Llorent, Buffonci. Chyba licencje których i tak było mało poszły w pi......du.

Buffonci to jest z Ciebie. "Buffon(c)" - kapitan, a Llorente to widać na filmiku wyżej, że jest normalnie Llorente ;)
The big part of fifa players are PESfans, don't forget it.

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #270 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 20:44:14 »
jakiś gameplay dzisiaj wyjdzie, jest sens czekać ? : D

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #271 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 20:45:57 »
jakiś gameplay dzisiaj wyjdzie, jest sens czekać ? : D

Nie  :P

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #272 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 20:52:42 »
serio piszesz, że nie wyjdzie, jakieś oficjalne newsy były ? czy to ogólny brak w wiary przez znane nam wszystkim chwyty KONAMI, które mają tendencję do rozczarowywania fanów przez niesłowność ? ; p

Offline Letischoo

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #273 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 20:54:48 »
serio piszesz, że nie wyjdzie, jakieś oficjalne newsy były ? czy to ogólny brak w wiary przez znane nam wszystkim chwyty KONAMI, które mają tendencję do rozczarowywania fanów przez niesłowność ? ; p

Czytałbyś temat to byś znał odpowiedź. Mogę Ci napisać, że było wrzucone info, możesz sobie poszukać, a jak nie to czekaj :)
A filmik też był wrzucany, ten co wyciekł do sieci :)
The big part of fifa players are PESfans, don't forget it.

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #274 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 20:57:13 »
musiałem przeoczyć, dzięki : d

Offline Letischoo

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #275 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 21:11:43 »
Ejj... mam taką jedną rozkminę... może ktoś siedzi, wie, zna się ale... było gadanie - gra jest tworzona od 2010, od 2008... siedzą nad nią 5, 10, 20 lat... no dobra, przy okazji PES 2014 było, że pracują 4 lata bodajże nad grą... więc jakim k... prawem kod na 3 miesiące przed premierą jest nazywany "wczesnym"?
The big part of fifa players are PESfans, don't forget it.

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #276 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 21:30:12 »
<a href="">REJESTRACJA</a>&nbsp;lub&nbsp;<a href="">LOGOWANIE</a>


Offline Letischoo

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Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 29.06.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #277 dnia: Lipiec 03, 2014, 21:37:51 »
Spoiler for Hiden:
<a href="">REJESTRACJA</a>&nbsp;lub&nbsp;<a href="">LOGOWANIE</a>


kolejny ogarnięty... było wrzucane...

I zastanawiające jest też info jakoby gra miała pojawić się "autumn/winter" co oznaczałoby, że gra pojawi się w okresie listopad-grudzień...
« Ostatnia zmiana: Lipiec 03, 2014, 22:19:52 wysłana przez Letischoo »
The big part of fifa players are PESfans, don't forget it.


  • Gość
Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 03.07.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #278 dnia: Lipiec 04, 2014, 00:26:51 »
Tutaj jeszcze znalazłem fotki z menu :) Może jakimś demem nas uraczą w wakacje.

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  • Gram w: PES 2015
Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 03.07.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #279 dnia: Lipiec 04, 2014, 02:06:26 »
już z pół dnia na pes patch są te screeny

TWOJA LIGA Pro Evolution Soccer

Odp: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - Newsy [ Aktualizacja 03.07.2014 ]
« Odpowiedź #279 dnia: Lipiec 04, 2014, 02:06:26 »